2024-2026 Accredited Tissue Banks Council Officer Slate


Tom Buersmeyer

Tom Buersmeyer
LifeNet Health

Professional Bio
Currently employed at LifeNet Health, Tom Buersmeyer has been in the field of donation and transplantation for over 25 years. He started working as a program manager/asst administrator for the solid organ transplant program at Indiana University Medical Center. He briefly spent 2 years as an Account Executive specializing in both organ and bone marrow transplant contracting for Clarian Health Partners (including Indiana University Medical Center / Methodist Health System). Tom then spent 5+ years working at Indiana Organ Procurement Organization (IOPO), now Indiana Donor Network in multiple capacities, as Director, Administration, and then Chief Operating Officer. Tom also had oversight of the IOPO Foundation and Chaired the IOPO Finance and Ethics Committees of the IOPO Board.

Tom has been with LifeNet Health for over 19 years, starting in 2005 as Vice President of OPO Relations and currently as the Vice President, Global Donor Recovery Services. Tom is directly responsible for overseeing the development of LifeNet Health’s extensive recovery network of organ and tissue procurement organizations as well as relationship strategy with industry partners. In recent years this has expanded beyond accessing clinical tissue to support LifeNet Health’s bioimplant efforts and now is also focused on supporting LifeNet Health’s Lifesciences vision by sourcing organs and tissues for research and life science services. Tom has also had oversight over LifeNet Health’s tissue recovery, donor center, donor development and donor family service operations. 

Throughout his time at IOPO and LifeNet Health Tom has been active in multiple Committees and Councils of AOPO, AATB and UNOS, and is currently active in the AATB Accredited Tissue Banks Council, Recovery and Donor Eligibility Council, and two OPO Advisory Boards. 

Tom received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering, from Purdue University in 1988 and a Master's in Health Administration, from Indiana University in 1996. 

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"Thank you for considering me to fill the position as Chair of the Accredited Tissue Bank Council. I want to commend Dan Lunn and Catherine Hankins on their Co Chair efforts over the past year. I want to continue their progress and the intent of the council to be a conduit for information on the accreditation process, inspection compliance, collaborative relationships, and changes in FDA standards and regulations. I also think we can expand on the value of this council for its members and the association. With the changing landscape of organ donation and the OPOs that are integral to that process, there is going to be an impact to tissue donation and transplantation. With the tremendous advancements happening daily in the area of research, life sciences, and AI there will ramifications, and opportunities to all tissue banks. I want to be part of educating and bringing awareness to all of us through expanding the content, speakers and interactions we have in the council meetings. I want us to weigh in on the topics that drive the mission of AATB, but I also want us to find ways to improve the field of tissue banking by sharing best practices and hearing from experts who can enlighten us about the future." 

Ryan Cormier

Ryan Cormier, MSOL, CTBS
Gift of Life Michigan

Professional Bio
Ryan Cormier began his journey in tissue banking in 2011, performing tissue recovery at Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA). In 2012, he transitioned to a comparable role at New England Donor Services (NEDS), before assuming the position of Tissue Recovery Manager at Gift of Life Michigan in 2015. In mid-2020, he was promoted to Director of Tissue Services, overseeing both tissue recovery and the Donor Operations Center. At Gift of Life, Ryan orchestrated the implementation of novel staffing models for both departments, resulting in the doubling of tissue volume over six years and sustained annual growth. Renowned for his success in leadership development and fostering employee engagement, Ryan has consistently propelled departmental outcomes to new heights as a director. He continues to expand on previous work at Gift of Life to create standard recovery packs that were adopted by all processors Gift of Life works with to include all tissue types (Dermis, MS, CV, and BT). He has also led efforts to introduce and validate standard Gift of Life Musculoskeletal shippers, resulting in streamlined processes and supply chain efficiencies across the board. Noteworthy affiliations include CTBS since 2014, active membership in the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB), serving as a member of both RADE and ATBC since 2015. Ryan received his bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration and a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Southern New Hampshire University.

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"My name is Ryan Cormier, and I am honored to present myself as a candidate for the position of ATBC Council Chair. A proud Massachusetts native, Kentuckian for seven years, and now a Michigander, I discovered a passion for tissue donation in 2011 while serving at KODA. The passion was only strengthened through my time at NEDS, before finally landing in the leadership space at Gift of Life Michigan. Since then, I have been actively engaged in the tissue banking industry, driven by an unwavering commitment to advancing our collective mission.

My dedication to this cause, coupled with my experience, positions me as a fitting candidate to lead this council. I am fueled by a profound belief in the transformative power of tissue donation, and I am eager to leverage my skills and insights to drive positive change within our industry.

If entrusted with this role, my foremost objective will be to foster stronger relationships between processors and recovery agencies. I recognize the vital importance of collaboration in our field, and I am committed to bridging any existing gaps to facilitate seamless consistency and mutual success.

Furthermore, I am deeply attuned to the regulatory landscape that governs our work. I believe there is significant opportunity for improvement in this area, particularly in terms of modernizing standards and regulations to align with current scientific and cultural understanding. By advocating for necessary adjustments and enhancements, I aim to ensure that our practices remain at the forefront of innovation and compliance.

Central to my vision is the idea of unity within our organization. I envision the ATBC Council as a unifying force, bringing together various stakeholders across AATB membership to effect meaningful change. Through collaborative efforts and shared purpose, we can further maximize the potential of tissue donation to save and heal lives.

In conclusion, I am deeply passionate about advancing the mission of our organization and am committed to serving our members with dedication and integrity. I humbly ask for your support in this endeavor and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of our industry.

Thank you for your consideration."


Anita Gordon

Anita Gordon
Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE)

Professional Bio
"At present, I serve as the Director of Eye Bank Operations and Tissue Recovery at CORE. Possessing a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and certified as a Six Sigma Yellow Belt, I have been an integral part of the CORE team since 2011. Initially starting as the Tissue Recovery Manager, I diligently managed day-to-day operations. As a Malcom Baldrige Fellow, I am committed to excellence and continuous improvement in all facets of my work. 

Over the past five years, I have actively participated in the Accredited Tissue Banks Council (ATBC), maintaining a close watch over the developments and challenges within our industry. Regular attendance at the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) annual conference has only reinforced my unwavering dedication to our shared mission. Notably, I had the honor of serving on the AATB Annual Conference ATBC Track Planning Committee in 2023, an experience that strengthened my commitment to this possible role."

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"Building upon the AATB and CORE’s own mission and vision statements, I envision a council that’s a hub of innovation and collaboration – one that fosters active engagement and collaboration among its members. And I believe we should be, above all, innovative, action-oriented and results-driven.

To achieve this, I envision council members as active participants, and propose creating a "working council" model. That could be accomplished by establishing goal groups focused on key industry challenges and hosting interactive webinars throughout the year. Each council member would be encouraged to contribute their experience and expertise, collectively empowering ATBC council members with actionable insights and best practices. This ensures that our efforts translate into tangible, real-world impact for our fellow members.

Furthermore, I’d hope to help elevate the AATB annual meeting into a springboard for innovation. To do this, I envision sessions that not only inform but also inspire attendees to apply conference learnings in their own organizations.

Central to my vision is fostering a culture of transparent communication and enhanced collaboration among council members. By sharing knowledge openly, we can drive transformative change in tissue banking practices."


Patty Malone

Patty Malone, MBA, BS, MT (ASCP), CTBS

Professional Bio
"My name is Patty Malone. I am the Quality/Regulatory Affairs Director for Solvita’s Dayton, Ohio manufacturing location. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Wright State University in 1987, I worked in a clinical Microbiology Laboratory for several years. I began my career at Solvita in the HLA Laboratory in June 1990. I held a Medical Technology position in the Stem Cell Laboratory and subsequently became the Supervisor of both Stem Cells and Microbiology. I moved to the Quality Assurance department in 1996 and became the Director in 1998."

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"I have been an active member of AATB for many years through participation in work groups/task forces and presentations at meetings. I am a Solvita representative on the AATB Tissue Policy Group (TPG), a member of the TPG Legislative Workgroup, and serve as co-chair of the AATB Standards Committee. In addition to my activities within AATB, I am a senior member of the American Society for Quality.

I have a sincere passion for and commitment to the gift of human tissue and the assurance of quality, safety, and availability of tissue grafts. If elected to the AATB Accredited Tissue Banks Council (ATBC) Secretary position, my goal will be to support AATB’s vision, goals, and policies and maximize its operational quality and efficiency. As Secretary, I will support other ATBC leadership members and the work necessary to address current topic affecting AATB-accredited tissue banks."