Recognized as the Definitive Guide for Tissue Banking

AATB’s Standards for Tissue Banking are recognized in both the United States and around the world as the definitive guide for tissue banking.

15th Edition of the Standards for Tissue Banking

Standards for Tissue Banking

First published in 1984, the AATB Standards for Tissue Banking (Standards) are the only private tissue banking standards published in the United States, and they are the most comprehensive and detailed tissue banking standards in the world.

Learn more about the history of AATB’s Standards.

AATB’s Standards have served as the model for federal and state regulations, as well as several international directives and standards. Currently, several states' statutes and/or regulations reference AATB’s Standards, institutional accreditation, or individual certification. 

A new 15th edition of Standards was released in 2024 and became effective in January 2025. This restructured edition is the product of AATB’s ongoing efforts to continuously improve Standards and ensure it is a best-in-class compendium. The 15th edition has been modernized to improve flexibility, reduce overall complexity, and increase value to members. As a more resilient and fit-for-purpose Standards, it is intended to better accommodate evolutions in technology and regulation and strengthen allied AATB programs (i.e., Accreditation, Education). 

The Standards for Tissue Banking include expectations and guidance on:

  • General institutional requirements
  • Functional components
  • Records Management
  • Authorization and consent practices
  • Donor screening, testing, and eligibility
  • Parameters surrounding tissue recovery operations
  • Tissue processing, packaging, labeling, storage, and distribution
  • Establishment and maintenance of a quality program

To purchase a copy of Standards for Tissue Banking, log in to your Portal Account and click "Purchase Standards." If you have not created a Portal Account yet, please click "New User? Create a Portal Account" to create an account. If you are an employee of an AATB-accredited institution, log in to your Portal Account and click "Access Standards" to access your complimentary copy of the AATB Standards.

Access the AATB Standards for Tissue Banking

questions about the Standards

Latest Standards & Regulatory Bulletins

Bulletin 25-1

Changes to Standards

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Bulletin 24-6

Changes to Standards*

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Bulletin 24-5

Early Notification of Changes to Donor Eligibility Requirements (Appendix II) and DRAIs

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Medical professional looking through microscope at tissue.

Non-Transplant Standards

AATB first introduced the Non-Transplant Standards in 2011. Prior to 2011, applicant NADOs were accredited using applicable Sections of the Standards for Tissue Banking. In recognition of the need for separate Standards, AATB published the 1st edition of AATB Standards for Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation in 2011. Between 2011-2015, seven NADOs were accredited under the 1st edition of Standards-NT. In 2017, the 2nd edition of Standards for Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation was published. In 2018, a NADO-specific Donor Risk Assessment Interview (DRAI) and NADO Physical Assessment were released as guidance documents.

To purchase a copy of the AATB Standards for Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation, log in to your Portal Account and click "Store." If you have not created a Portal Account yet, please click the "Not a Member" hypertext to create an account. If you are an AATB member, log in to your Portal Account and click "Publications and Standards" to access your complimentary copy of the AATB Standards-NT

Access the AATB Standards for Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation

Questions about the standards

IMPORTANT NOTICE: AATB Standards are subject to revision at any time pursuant to the Association’s procedures. Notice of each such revision is given by AATB via a “Bulletin” that announces those changes and their respective effective dates. Persons seeking to determine the current provisions of Standards should always review the Bulletins for any such announcement of revisions to Standards or may request a current and effective copy of the Standards by sending a request to the AATB mailbox: