2024-2026 Recovery and Donor Eligibility Council Officer Slate


Tommy Churchill

James (Tommy) Churchill, BBA, CTBS
LifeLink Tissue Bank

Professional Bio
"Currently, I serve as the Director of Foundation Tissue Recovery for LifeLink Tissue Bank. In 1997, I started as a tissue recovery coordinator recovering transplantable tissue. In 2003, I became a Tissue Recovery Supervisor for LifeLink of Georgia. In 2008, I took the role of Manager of Tissue Recovery overseeing the day-to-day operations of tissue recovery for LifeLink of Georgia. In 2009, I received the prestigious President’s award for LifeLink of Georgia. In 2013, took the role of Director of Tissue Recovery here at LifeLink of Georgia overseeing tissue operations and kidney perfusion staff. In my current position, I help oversee tissue operations in Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico, and my our external partners."

In 1998, I became a Certified Tissue Bank Specialist (CTBS) and I've learned valuable insight from my constituents.

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"I will work with other AATB councils to address current projects and new challenges as they emerge. I want to elevate membership engagement so the council shares new ideas that might impact organizations in a positive way." 

Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson
Donor Network of Arizona

Professional Bio
Ryan Nelson brings over 16 years of dedicated experience in the tissue donation industry with his role as Tissue Services Supervisor and Medical Examiner Liaison at the Donor Network of Arizona. Under his leadership, the organization has seen significant growth, driven by his commitment to process improvement and efficiency enhancements. In his role as Medical Examiner Liaison for over 12 years has allowed him to forge strong, respectful relationships with county medical examiners, prioritizing the integrity of death investigations while facilitating increased tissue donation rates. In addition to his work with the Medical Examiners, Ryan has spearheaded initiatives that have directly led to enhanced operational efficiencies and marked increase in donation rates, specifically Musculoskeletal and Pediatric for Heart Valves. These contributions underscore the dedication to fostering continued best practices. 

Ryan has a Bachelors of Science in Human Biology and is a Certified Tissue Bank Specialist. Ryan has served the AATB in various capacities including the Program Committee. Ryan was part of the work group that revised Appendix III of the Tissue Donor Physical Assessment Form Requirements and has spoken at numerous AATB conferences and webinars outlining his work in growing the field of Tissue Donation in Arizona. 

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"If elected, as Chair I would look to foster an inclusive and vibrant community within the AATB RADE council, where every RADE member is valued, heard, and supported. Where ideas on best practices can be shared openly and work groups from diverse backgrounds can continue to create new best practices, resources and tools for our members to better serve their community. Together, we can continue to create a prosperous future for the Tissue Bank community. We will work collaboratively to elevate and advance the field of tissue donation."


Erica Hinterser

Erica Hinterser, MHA, CTBS 
Mid-America Transplant

Professional Bio
"I have worked as the Director, Tissue Procurement at Mid-America Transplant for the past 12 years. In 2024, I also assumed responsibility for Eye Bank Operations. In my current role I oversee the clinical teams in the recovery of donated tissue furthering our mission to save and heal lives. Collaboration with our Quality and Regulatory Affairs Department department is a critical component of my role and ensuring we maintain our AATB accreditation. I am responsible for analyzing data and team performance to identify ways to improve efficiency and consistency in the tissue recovery process, which has increased the number of tissue donations by over 86% in the past 10 years. Mid-America Transplant set an organization record of 2,699 tissue donors in 2023. 

I have been a participant in the RADE Counsel since joining AATB and receiving my CEBT certification in 2012. I routinely attend the annual meetings and was an active participant in the work group for the updates to the physical assessment.

I have served as a Missouri State Quality Award Examiner twice and am actively involved with Mid-America Transplant's Baldrige Journey, having presented at the Baldrige National Conference.

I currently serve on the Board of Directors for a local non-profit, Eye Thrive, whose mission is to give children the ability to thrive through access to essential vision services. 

I received my Bachelor's in Health Science from Truman State University and a Master of Health Administration from Saint Louis University."

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"My vision for this committee is to support the foundational work that has been already been established along with encouraging additional participation. Fostering a spirit of collaboration between tissue banks, processors and other stakeholders is essential. Working together, sharing best practices, and supporting one another ensures we all benefit. I would also support collaboration on education and training opportunities for tissue recovery personnel; with the knowledge and experience of this committee, it would be incredible to see the tools and standardization developed to support new staff starting their career in the industry. I would be honored to support and contribute to these efforts along with others as the Vice Chair of RADE."

Chris Proctor

Chris Proctor
MTF Biologics

Professional Bio
"I currently serve as a Senior Education Director for MTF Biologics and have done so for over eleven years. Prior to that I have held multiple managerial and directorial positions in recovery organizations for the previous 22 years. My experience centers on several areas of tissue donation including recovery, donor screening, authorization/DRAI obtainment as well as auditing and regulatory compliance. I have had the pleasure of directing award winning recovery programs on multiple occasions. My past involvement with AATB includes participation in the task force that created the original Best Practices document in conjunction with the NFDA, AOPO and EBAA. I have also served on multiple AATB Committees including the Program, Awards and Standards Committees. I have completed the AATB Auditor Training Program as well. I am a member of the current Task Force on Universal Supplies. I also oversee the RADE AATB Annual Meeting Breakout Planning Group for this year’s meeting.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I am a proud and thankful member of a tissue recipient family. Thank you for your consideration and I hope for your support for Vice-Chair of the RADE Council."

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"My vision for the RADE Council is that it will continue to evolve and serve as the information source for those involved in all aspects of the tissue recovery process. My vision also would include encouraging participation by as many RADE members as possible.

My goals for the RADE Council focus on four areas:
1. Continued universalization of procedures and supplies to create efficiencies and flexibility.
2. Further revision of the audit/assessment process for agencies, particularly those involved in recovery only.
3. Modernization of serological testing to take advantage of updated and better testing modalities.
4. Ensure that participation by all members of the Council is encouraged and supported."


Lesly Gatton

Lesly Gatton, MS, CTBS

Professional Bio
I am a Certified Tissue Banking Specialist with fourteen years of experience in tissue banking. I earned my Master of Science degrees in Physiology and Biophysics from the University of Louisville School of Medicine and attended Wake Forest University for my undergraduate education. I began my tissue banking career in 2010 as a recovery technician and coordinator at the OPO in Kentucky until I accepted the position as National Trainer for Tissue Recovery at Solvita, formerly Community Tissue Services, in 2014. 

I served as Solvita’s sole National Trainer for almost six years, training the five Solvita Recovery branches and seventeen Solvita Recovery Partners. During my tenure as National Trainer, I developed a training library containing educational materials for all aspects of tissue recovery, ranging from aseptic technique and safe recovery procedures to maximizing our Donors’ gifts and tissue graft usage. Additionally, I observed innumerable on-site Partner recoveries, providing feedback to increase yield and decrease contamination.

In 2020, I was promoted to Recovery Partner Director to serve as the direct link between recovery agencies and Solvita. Working for a tissue Processor has given me the advantage of examining different techniques to achieve a single outcome. I manage all levels of Recovery Groups to ensure their success. From building trust in the OR with recovery technicians, to communicating staff performance with Chief Executive Officers, I have developed the ability to effectively communicate with diverse roles. This skill will help me to be successful as a council officer. 

To further my commitment to teaching others, I joined the AATB Education Committee in 2022. As a member of this committee, I helped to create the Plasma Dilution learning module (completed, but not yet published) and assisted in planning the 2023 AATB webinar series. Additionally, in 2023, I participated in the creation of the AATB Universal Recovery Pack. My involvement in these projects has helped me to bond with others from various backgrounds that are also passionate about learning."

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"Beginning my career at an OPO, I did not realize the impact that my work had on the entire process of a tissue donor’s journey. I did not have access to AATB’s educational materials or webinars to learn about the bigger picture of tissue donation. I would recover tissue, place it in a box, and send it off to a Processor, never knowing what became of it. It was not until I learned about all steps in the donation process that I truly appreciated my role in saving and enhancing the lives of tissue recipients. It was exciting to learn that my work was necessary to honor each donor’s final gift and change the lives of complete strangers. I became motivated to recover quality tissue grafts and learn about best practices to ensure tissue was safe for transplant. Sharing this knowledge with others so that they become excited about tissue donation excites me. Learning about the advancements in tissue donation energizes me to continue in this field. 

Although I earned my CTBS certification in 2014, I did not become involved in the RADE council until a few years later. In fact, I was uneducated about the possibilities and advantages of participating in AATB councils and committees until after my first recertification cycle – something I hope to change for new Certified Tissue Banking Specialists! As a council officer, I will have a broader ability to assist new tissue banking professionals to understand the importance of their work and encourage them to make connections that will better the AATB community."

Lindsay Hamilton

Lindsay Hamilton, MBA-HCA, CTBS
Indiana Donor Network

Professional Bio
"I have been honored to be a part of tissue banking for the past 16 years, and I currently serve as the director of tissue services and supply chain at Indiana Donor Network. My professional experience includes tissue recovery, regulatory compliance, supply chain, and leadership. 

Since joining Indiana Donor Network’s senior leadership team in 2019, I have been responsible for directing the strategic plan and development of the goals, objectives, and budgets for activities conducted by the tissue services and supply chain departments. My role includes overseeing 26 team members. 

Beyond oversight of clinical activities, I also effectively manage relationships with tissue processors and other external partners, and facilitate the development and implementation of critical systems, including quality and performance indicators.

In addition to being CTBS certified since 2009, I earned my Bachelor of Arts from Ball State University followed by a Master of Business Administration with a focus on healthcare administration from Indiana Wesleyan University.

My relevant experience includes the following: 
• RADE (RADS) Council (2018-current)
• Recovery Standard Work Group (2019)
• DRAI Project (2019)
• ATBC Council (2020-current)
• ATBC Annual Meeting Planning Team (2023)
• ATBC Track Moderator (2023)
• Universal Pack Project (2023)
• Standards Committee (2023-current)
• RADE Council Secretary (11/29/23-2024)"

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"I am enthusiastic about contributing to the continued success of AATB initiatives, leveraging my diverse background to offer fresh perspectives. My overarching goal is to champion equitable implementation of changes, prioritizing safety and quality at every step. Additionally, I aim to foster a culture of inclusivity, encouraging new participation and nurturing the growth of individuals within the AATB community."

Joi Surgeon

Joi Surgeon, CTBS
Nevada Donor Network

Professional Bio
Like many others in the Tissue Banking world, Joi accidentally stumbled upon the field while studying to become a Physical Therapist at Campbell University, igniting a newfound passion. She began her career in MS Processing in 2004 at LifeNet, transitioned to approaching families for Organ, Tissue, and Eye donation both in person and on the phone in 2009 at Nevada Donor Network, and was a part of the development and growth of Donation Services that started in 2015. Growing through leadership in Donation Services, Joi supported the organization as the DS Quality and Referral Supervisor in 2019, then DS Manager in 2020, and has been the Director of the department since 2021. Joi’s passion for donation greatly comes through her personal connection to donation as a donor family member and a recipient of cornea and bone graft transplants. 

CTBS Certified since 2007, she joined the RADE Council in 2021 in hopes of expanding her knowledge by learning from and growing with other experts in the field. In 2022, she supported the RADE Council Working Group for the 2022 AATB Annual Meeting Planning for the RADE Council Track, and in 2023 joined the RADE Council Donor Services Working Group to gather data to continue enhancing the quality of tissue recovery, screening, suitability assessment, and family support services. 

Statement Outlining Vision and Goals for the Council
"The RADE Council has a tremendous opportunity to improve processes in tissue donation from referral to recovery to family support and care by actively seeking feedback from all tissue banks across the nation. I believe it is extremely important to listen to and collaborate with each other; together we can increase awareness for and streamline aspects of tissue donation worldwide."