Past Kenneth W. Sell Memorial Award Winners

About the award:

The Kenneth W. Sell Memorial Award is given annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the development of tissue banking standards, the inspection and accreditation of tissue banks, and/or the education and certification of tissue banking personnel to ensure the quality, safety and availability of cells and tissue for transplantation. The recipient need not be a member of AATB.


  • 2023 - Michael Palmisano, Nevada Donor Network
  • 2021 — Glenn Greenleaf, Lifecell, An Abbvie Affiliate
  • 2020 — Bud Brame, LifeNet Health
  • 2019 — Michael Bauer, Eye and Tissue Resources
  • 2018 — Allyson McGinnis, CTBS, CryoLife, Inc.
  • 2017 — Scott Brubaker, FDA CBER - Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
  • 2016 — Murray L. Anderson, CTBS, CST, CQA, ASQ, AATB Inspector
  • 2015 — Ralph Powers, DDS, LifeNet Health
  • 2014 — Helen Bottenfield, Consultant
  • 2013 — Ruth R. Solomon, MD
  • 2012 — Charles Sims, MD, California Cryobank, Inc.
  • 2011 — Duke Kasprisin, MD, South Hero
  • 2010 — Nancy Dock, PhD, Lonza
  • 2009 — Joel C. Osborne, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
  • 2008 — Kathy Pearson, LifeNet Health
  • 2007 — Judith E. Woll, MD, Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services
  • 2006 — Jeanne Linden, MD, MPH, New York State Department of Health
  • 2005 — Diane Wilson, RN, CTBS, Community Tissue Services
  • 2004 — D. Ted Eastlund, MD, PhD, University of Minnesota Medical School